My Vision for Kansas City

  • Trust

    Bring a Business Perspective & Common Sense to City Council.

    Bring Back Responsive Government to the Needs of the People.

    Restore Trust in Who You the Voter has Elected.

  • Safety & Infrastructure

    I will always put your family’s safety first by supporting our first responders and never voting to defund them.

    Advocating for improving neighborhood infrastructure and thorough city services. (Both of the most requested services from Kansas City Residential Surveys)

  • Liberty

    I am devoted to defending citizens and businesses from tyrannical mandates that go against our rights as Americans.

    Stand up and support the constitution of the United States.

    Initiate ordinances/laws that would protect our Liberties.


My word is my bond and my goal is to establish loyalty and trust with the citizens of Kansas City.

I will ask the hard questions and work at getting the best resolution for our city.

I will work for a balanced budget and oppose misappropriating funds, raising taxes or supporting projects that have not been thoroughly vetted.